Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Some pics from our visit last week to 'The Farm'!

We got lucky with the weather, the boys loved being back with Nana and Grandad, Samuel was in his element with Grandad, hauling him off for rides on the tractor and the scooter and eating toast together in the morning...note the gumboots already on with his jarmies!
Joseph and P spent lots of time trying to catch the little spratty type fish (although they were convinced they were tadpoles! because there is a resident frog)in the pond,

Mum and I had a lovely girls day out shopping til we dropped and Jim and I were treated to a night out without the kids, a lovely dinner and a movie....hmmm I'm sure it was the fastpaced action flickering on the screen and not the large glasses of wine at dinner that made me feel woozy at the end rofl! Still a good night!

Not sure it was warm enough to be swimming, but the boys couldn't resist the clear sparkling water and in they went!
The cherry trees were in full spring glory and I took lots of pics one early morning to remember the place by as Mum and Dad are officially moving on to new things....it was a beautiful spot to have lived...a credit to mum and dad for all their hard work over the years and so wonderful the boys were able to have been part of it too...so many memories...the farm will always be with us.

Even my NZdare layout this round was about the farm...with this photo of Mums cat Marjorie in her favourite spot in the window...the sun streaming in, I love that!


Hannah said...

Looks like a great time had by all! Brrrrrr at swimming though - aren't kids amazing?? I don't even get in the water until Dec or Jan!!

Sad to say goodbye to a farm with such wonderful memories, but you've got some great photos there and of course the memories themselves are priceless.

Sharon said...

Love the window layout - what a gorgeous photo. It must be sad to say goodbye to the farm - it looks lovely.

Jenny said...

LOoks like you all had a good time at the farm Good that you took so many photos to remember

Ilka said...

First up BIG Congrats Mrs Ultimate Scrapbooking Champion!!!!!!!Your blog wouldnt let me comment earlier:(
Sounds like you had a great time on the farm, cant get over the boys swimming! Hope it wasnt too hard to say good bye to it.
Love the sun cat LO!

Shelley said...

Love your sunshine layout... makes you feel all warm and cozy :) And those are beautiful photos of the farm!

Delys said...

Yep its sad to say goodbye to the farm..so many memories! But thats what your photos and scrapbook LOs are for..Love your pics of the kids in the pool and the cherry trees are awesome!