Wednesday, February 13, 2008

I've decided that Thursday is a decidedly unsexy day to have Valentines day....don't know what it is, middle of the week maybe or maybe its cause its the Thurs part sounds so dosn't exactly roll prettily off the tongue now does it...roll on next year when its on a Friday is a sexier day by far I think lol!!

Anway I found this rather fun....cheesy fun....but fun nonetheless thing called smilebox and you can create all sorts of funky greetings, postcards, layouts even to send people or add to your blog like I am about to inflict on you mwah ha ha! So here is my little tribute to Valentines always makes me feel silly!! The bee flying upside down just does it for me lol!!

Click to play Feeling Hot!
Create your own free ecard - Powered by Smilebox
Make a free ecard - it's easy!

Oh and if you need some inspiration for a card for your hunk of burning love this Vellies check out NZdares for some gorgeous creations!

1 comment:

Roo said...

Ooh cool card. Suits you :-)
Have a happy day tomorrow even tho it is THURSday