Saturday, May 03, 2008

Using up more old supplies...yay it feels gooooddd da da da da da!!!

SEI paper...I lined the stripes with pen, a mm metal plaque, an old tag, and some ancient stickers too!

Heidi has got a quick-fire challenge happening over at Scrapbook Studio so if you are in the need for some scrapping fun click the link....

The Kiwi Jack for May is up...a wonderful layout by fellow Scrapbook Studio-ite Louise Williams....give it a go....heres what I did using some of the April Astro boy kit from Scrapbook me some robots!! and my little P when he was very little...only I have been told now that I am never to call him P at school or on the soccer field sidlines or when we are out....waaahhhh....being told off by your five your old smarts!

Not sure whats on the cards this weekend...although it is NSD (National Scrapbooking Day) which means a whole lot of fun challenges happening around the cyber scrapbooking world....I've already got my name down for one at SiStv
which means me getting up at around 6 am to scrap heh, heh....its ok I'll just sit and scrap in bed...jim won't mind I'm sure!


Jenny said...

Oh he was soo cute! Lol at being told off by him!

NZ Toomeys said...

Ming, this particular pic of P really reminds me of Luke when he was little. Freaks me out - you know with the Island blood in my half of the whanau...and I reckon P looks like the Darge side...hhhhhmmmmmmm, Toomey genes, I wonder.......Anyway, I'll have to show you the some pics next tme you come up, I mean down this way. I don't have any digi photos of when Luka was little. Such a long time ago.
We're planning Christmas in Cambridge this year...and you guys?