Monday, June 23, 2008

Getting ready for Scouts...Joseph's age group are the Kea's.
In the end the wet weather mean't they had to have their campfire gathering indoors, but he came home with his face shining and full of stories so it by all accounts it was all good! He is very proud of his scarf and woggle so there was minor panic in the ranks when he couldn't find it the next morning...he had taken it off when he got home and left it on the couch...after much searching, and turning the couch upside down and inside out...we thought of the next possibility...BERT!! and yep sure enough there it was squirrelled away under the bed...should have looked there first before getting all hot and bothered lol!!...ah time!
Patrick has decided he is going to be an author when he grows up and has written his first book all about dogs!!

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